Dangers of Untreated ADHD

Diagnosing and treating ADHD isn’t so much about the 9th-grade girl who can’t remember to turn in her homework, even though turning in her homework might seem important to her parents. It is about understanding and providing support for now and for the rest of her life. I know parents who are against the use […]

Student Coaching

For most ADHD/ life coaches, adults find their services because the client feels that he/she could benefit from coaching. But I am working mostly with students with ADHD. There are some differences: Students (middle school and high school) don’t always notice they need support either because of their age, their ADHD or both. Most of […]

Group Coaching for High School Students

I recently finished a graduate level coaching course on group coaching which has inspired me to start my own group coaching for high school student with ADHD. The concept is to give high school students a safe, non-judgmental place to talk openly about their struggles with ADHD while helping them learn their strengths, the right […]

Coaching for Teens with ADHD

What is Executive Function Coaching? ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal, professional or academic potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment. Executive Function or ADHD coaching is a specialized type of life coaching that uses specific techniques […]

Helping Your Teen Achieve Autonomy

Every teen or young adult wants autonomy. Recently, I started coaching a 23-year-old woman whose mother is a bit of a helicopter because of the young woman’s lack of executive function (EF) skills. Her overall coaching goal is to be independent. Part of the issue is past mistakes and family dynamics, they have a therapist for that […]

Gettin’ Started on Homework

My son’s first day of school is today so homework time will be here soon for everywhere. Parents aren’t fans of homework time either; a frustrated student can bring down a household faster than anything else. Part of what I do in my work with students from middle school to grad school is set up […]

Enjoy Your Boredom!

These days it seems that kids are signed up for so many activities both during the school year and for summer vacation. Kids don’t seem to have time to be kids. They are constantly being told what activity they are going to be doing. When I was ten years old, I got my first watch […]

Grow your ability to focus

Everyone wants to be the best they can be. If focusing is something you struggle with take this summer to make some self-improvements or learn something you have always wanted to know more about. You don’t have to do something boring to improve your ability to focus. What you chose may not even seem like […]

Life After College

Congrats! You just graduated into the real world. You are now going to be asked to do things that perhaps no one has ever taught you. Adulting can be great once you figure it out. For some of this information, you can get advice but some are trial and error to see what works for […]

Executive Functions Skills for Smart Kids Having a Hard Time

I often hear “my kid is really smart; if he can get through school, he’ll be fine.” No, he won’t. Sorry but it’s true. We hear about executive function (EF)skills in relationship to being an important part of academic success but they are so much more. EF skills are basic skills for life regardless of […]