How do you know if BBC is right for you?

To ensure that we are a good fit, BBC provides a consultation at no cost. A good rapport is vital for a productive coaching relationship. We will have a lengthy conversation between 45-60 minutes.

We will be asking loads of questions. Some of the questions are personal, but please do not be offended; we need to know what the starting point is as we partner with you for this journey. All conversations are confidential. Also please don’t clean up for us if you have chosen an in-home consultation, we want to see what is typical in your life. This consultation is also an opportunity for you to ask us questions about coaching in general, our coaching process, payments, and whatever else you are curious about. The whole idea behind having a consultation is for both the coach and the potential coachee to be sure we are a good fit.

After the consultation, you can either take some time to think about your options or schedule a time for us to start.

During the consultation, if the potential coachee is a minor, the parent or guardian needs to be present. It is essential that the student is comfortable with the coach. We may ask the parent/guardian to leave the room to allow the child/teen to feel comfortable expressing themselves. The parent/guardian can just go into another part of the house for this portion of the conversation.