Anxiety and Organization

Anxiety has been on the rise in children and teens since the 1950’s. Anxiety disorders include panic disorder, social anxiety, specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, anxiety secondary to a medical condition and substance-induced anxiety disorder. According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America: 40 million Americans have an anxiety disorder 75% of […]

Basic Executive Function Skills Explained

Effective Function skills are an important part of everyone’s life. We use them all day every day. We all have a limited amount of energy to use to them before they need to recharge, which is why we all lose our tempers at a time or forget to buy milk or our homework at school. […]

Effective Note Taking for Students with or without ADHD

We live in a techy world. There are apps and software for everything. Studies now show that traditional note taking with pen and paper are better for learning than taking notes on a laptop.  Boiled down here is why, when most people type they are typing verbatim what a teacher is saying so they are […]

Staying On Track With Goals

Happy New Year! Many people use the first part of a new year to revise their goals, reflect on the past year or plan for the upcoming year. For some young adults with executive function (EF) deficits staying on track for a whole year to complete goals seems impossible. It’s not that they don’t want […]

What to do for struggling students at home!

It is hard it watch your child struggle. I know, I have had two children who struggled at school and I was a struggling student as well. Parents want to help. There are many ways to support students by building up executive function skills. Here is a list of what you can do at home. […]

Overloaded Schedule?

What I hear most from my clients and from others is that they don’t have time to breath. Really? Is your day that packed? Is your to-do list running your life because that is not the way it is supposed to go? It reminds me of this anonymous quote, “The hurrier I go, the behinder […]

Help for Your Middle Schooler

Middle school brings back bad memories for most of us understandably. It is an awkward time socially, developmentally, emotionally and academically. A large part of that awkwardness is due to the fact that their brains are in the midst of some important growth. From ages 12-17 there are developmental spurts in the brain; particularly in the […]

Where to Study?

We aren’t all the same. Students are expected to sit at a desk most for the day from sixth grade on but that isn’t necessarily the best place for them to learn. Some teachers try to mix things up but all in all most students are sitting all day. Different learning modalities need different settings […]

Back to School Must Haves

Going back to school is easier when you are happy with the tools and products you will be working with. Here is a list of my best suggestions for students. 1. Livescribe – Missed part of what the teacher said while taking notes? No biggie with this an amazing tool! This smartpen allows students to […]

The Intersection of Learning Disabilities and Executive Functions Skills

Dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, dysphasia, aphasia, autism, verbal processing disorder, visual processing disorder, auditory processing disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, ADHD, Co-morbid conditions There are so many learning disabilities; it is easy to get lost. are Kids with learning disabilities have brains that are wired differently than most. They are neurologically based processing problems. It has nothing […]