The Right Type of Support is Crucial in High School

Are you a high school student with a student support plan, or do you have a high school student who has a student support plan? Are you planning on attending college? If your answer is yes to both of those questions, then listen up because your student support plan isn’t worth anything to your future […]

Self-Care in College

Self-care is a vital part of life. The term seems like it is everywhere now, but actually, it is nothing new. Our lives move at a ridiculous speed these days so much so that we need to remind ourselves to take care of ourselves. Nowhere is this truer than in college. The expectations put on […]

College, ADHD and Anxiety

We often hear that people with ADHD are bored; however; we also hear that people with are overwhelmed. So which one is it? Well, it is both. When an ADHD brain is under aroused, then they are bored or unable to initiate a task. Overwhelm sets in when the ADHD brain is over-aroused. People are […]

Using Time, Self-care, Classes and Studying Tips for College

It is challenging to write this blog since I am sitting in the vacation house my family has been coming to for my children’s whole lives, but it is true. School is around the corner. Where we live school starts back mid-August if you are in public school and about a week later for most […]

Who Is On Your Team?

The first few sessions with my clients are dedicated to creating a foundation to build our coaching relationship. We explore strengths, weaknesses, needs, values, natural resources and co-create the relationship. During this “get to know each other” timeframe, one of the questions I ask is “Who is on your team?” Often I find that many […]

Tips for Comprehensive Exams

Midterm and final exams can be a stressful time for students. With the correct information and proper planning, much of this stress can be eliminated. Here are some tips and resources to prepare for comprehensive exams.

Habit Building for Studying

Habit building is an integral part of life. No one functions outside of all routines. Love of novelty is a strong ADHD characteristic; however, habits give all of us structure. A framework in which to build our lives. Habits can be thought of as routines. Building routines for different areas of our lives like getting […]

College and ADHD coaching

Going off to college is full of new found independence and excitement for most student.  For students with ADHD, the situation is different, when you add the academic demands of college and subtract the structure from parents and high school, college can feel overwhelming. Most people with ADHD have a poor relationship with time. This […]

This Is How To Take Notes

Note taking can seem overwhelming. If you are trying to write down everything, have trouble spelling, or have trouble remembering what was said, notetaking can seem daunting. I was working with a young woman a few weeks ago. Let’s call her Sarah. Sarah is in the 10th grade, she is smart, funny, involved with school […]

Back To School Tech For a Better Life

It is time to go back to school. School shopping for supplies was always my favorite part. All my supplies were new, clean and organized. Well, that was a while ago… the supplies on the market today are way cooler than my Trapper Keeper (Did I just give away my age?). Today’s, tech can make […]