Back To School Tech For a Better Life


It is time to go back to school. School shopping for supplies was always my favorite part. All my supplies were new, clean and organized. Well, that was a while ago… the supplies on the market today are way cooler than my Trapper Keeper (Did I just give away my age?). Today’s, tech can make school and life better for students with ADHD.

Here is my list of the coolest stuff…

  1. These timers are probably the least techy tool on my list but they are simple and effective. TimeTimers show you a diminishing red disc so you can see the passage of time. I use them with clients and have clients that use them daily. They come in various sizes. You can also get a desktop version or an app.
  2. Kids coming home to an empty house but they often lose the house keys? Maybe you should go keyless. Using a keyless lock adds security and convenience to your home. It replaces a key with a numerical code or fingerprints. You can quickly change the code or fingerprint profiles. Check out this selection at Not ready to go keyless but still lose your keys. Try Find One Find All. There is no base to keep track of and the set all work together.
  3. At $69, WatchMinder is the deal out there for what it does. Specially developed for people with ADHD but great for lots of other, this watch vibrates (or chimes) and shows text to cue you through your day. The WatchMinder can improve relationships between parents and children/teen because the WatchMinder prompts the child for specific behaviors and actions, the parent no longer needs to “nag” to accomplish these tasks. Students can use it to self-monitor, reinforce positive behaviors, organize schedules and manage their time during tests. It can also be used to cue students to participate in class or write down homework assignments.
  4. I am a big fan of LiveSrcibe. This smartpen allows you to write notes, go back a listen to specific sections of notes, and they appear on your phone or tablet. You can convert your handwriting into text to connect to email, calendars or other apps. You can also categorize and organize your notes. Learn more at
  5. Let’s face it getting up before the sun sucks. I don’t have a single client (teen or adult) with ADHD who has told me waking up in the morning is wonderful and they love the morning. Philips Wake-Up Light Alarm Clock is both light therapy lamp and natural sunrise alarm clock which can improve your sleep, energy and well- being. It is the only one clinically proven to help you wake up feeling more refreshed. You can relax and drift off the sleep with dimming sunset and sounds and the colored sunrise simulation alarm clock wakes you up gradually with a speaker that plays calming wake-up sounds, or FM radio.

These aren’t writing utensils and binders but when used well these tools will make your life and your child, your teen or your college-aged kid’s life better.