Chore Lists for Young Children

“The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” Denis Waitley This quote is my husband and mine parenting philosophy in a nutshell. My children have always had chores; well once they could walk. And always more than most kids their ages. It’s easy to get young […]

Home Management Binder

Happy New Year! January is National Get Organized month. Along with losing weight or learning something new, getting organized or becoming more productive are popular New Year’s resolutions. Creating and using a home management binder (HMB) should be at the top of your list of tasks to complete to gain control of your home and […]

Gift Ideas!

Do you have someone in your life who gets a thrill out of organizing? Here are some unique gift ideas that they will love. Hopefully there is something for everyone on this list but know that not every product works for everyone and products won’t make anyone suddenly become more organized. Becoming organized is a […]

Delete, Delay and Diminish

In her book, Time Management From the Inside Out, Julie Morgenstern uses the 4Ds as tools for managing your to-do list. I have read many time management books; many have similar advice or strategies but I like her word choices best. They are easy to remember and descriptive. They are delete, delay, diminish and delegate. […]

Chores are good!

Delegating is an important and effective time management tool no matter who you are but I am going to focus on how and why parents (um moms) should use delegation at home. So why don’t some parents delegate? There are many reasons why parents (or people in general) resist delegating tasks. Delegation takes planning ahead […]

National Pack Rat Day

Today is National Pack Rat Day! No really, it actually exists. But instead of being a day to celebrate or be proud of accomplishments, it is a day for reflection. Are you a pack rat? Do others call you a pack rat? Do you save items because they have sentimental meaning? Are you honoring those […]