Back to School Must Haves

Going back to school is easier when you are happy with the tools and products you will be working with. Here is a list of my best suggestions for students. 1. Livescribe – Missed part of what the teacher said while taking notes? No biggie with this an amazing tool! This smartpen allows students to […]

Tips for Organizing Pesky Miscellaneous Items

Where do you keep that “key” that opens interior doors in your house, or extra buttons, or other miscellaneous items that just don’t seem to fit in anywhere? You made be tempted to throw it all in a junk drawer or a caught-all room but you’ll have trouble finding it again. For my purposes, I […]

Clutter Causes!

Do you ever look around and think, “Where did all this stuff come from? I just tidied up.” Clutter can creep in unnoticed until it is at the point of overwhelm. Understanding why clutter keeps piling up has value, however, it may be difficult to admit to others or even ourselves. Here is a list […]

Smoothly Running your Family

Are you just peeking your head out now after re-cooping from a long school year. Summer is a great time to get the family together to make a new plan for a less hectic school year next year but is just two months away. Write a Family Mission Statement- What’s that you ask? Just like […]

Summer Chores

Summer is here! We have had a few weeks off from the crazy school schedules so now it is time to think about chore lists for summer. There are some chores that should be done during summer. There is no reason to do it all alone. Get the whole family in on it. Kids of […]

Spring Clean!

Spring is here! Time to do a big clean. Dust yourself and your home off too. It is great time to start a new. I don’t know anyone who likes to clean or do yard work but to protect the value of your home chores need to be done. There are some chores that should […]

Getting Your Kids To Do Their Chores

In many of my blogs, I have talked about chores and kids. I have listed many reasons why doing chores is important for helping to stimulate their executive function skills but I have never really discussed how to get your kids to actually do the chores. It can be a whole other battle at times. […]

Developing Habits to Staying Organized

Getting organized isn’t the problem for some people. They get organized over and over again. Stay organized is the problem. Maintenance is the problem. Is this you? Why does this happen and how can you change it? The causes can vary, maybe it is a system you didn’t create, maybe it’s not set up for […]

Why can’t you get organized?

Feel like you are surrounded by clutter and chaos? You’ve tried to get organized- you have read book after book, bought organizational products and spend countless hour organizing. So why isn’t it working for you? For many people getting organized is daunting, stressful, anxiety-causing, and a point a failure, or boring, mundane, and tedious. If […]

Tension over clutter?

Have tension over clutter? Arguing over the best way to organize a living space for everyone who lives with it? Valentine’s Day is Sunday. It is a nice time to think about getting along and having peace in your home. Here is what is most likely going on if there is tension over clutter in […]