A Paradox That Works: ADHD and Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a practice of becoming more present to the here and now. It seems to be a paradox to talk about ADHD and Mindfulness, but ADHD is full of paradoxes. Being mindful is a skill that can be practice and improved. As it is practiced throughout the day, you learn to pay attention to […]

Shifting Negative Self-Talk

What story are you telling yourself that isn’t supporting you to be who you truly are?  I have a funny, enthusiastic, smart client who is full of shame over things she knows aren’t worth the stress and overwhelm it causes her. For example, she was telling herself that she was a disgusting person when dishes […]

Unmasking: Life After COVID for the Neurodiverse

As we start to unmask and move towards a post-COVID life, we should be thinking about what that means for us personally. Neurodiverse people have unique brain wiring which allows us to see the world in our own way. While this may have challenges in navigating through life, it can be a true blessing.  It […]

Should Your Child Repeat This School Year?

If there was ever a time to repeat the school year, now is the time. My daughters were young for their grade with summer birthdays. I always thought if we ever move, I would have them repeat whatever grade they were in at the time. It never happened. I would never have done that to […]

What Gets Entrance into Your Life?

Over two weeks ago, I said goodbye to most social media.  Here is why I did so and why I think you might want to as well.  I believe that technology should be used as a tool to make life easier and less stressful, much in the same way that I use the shredding blade […]

Gift Ideas for Neurodivergents

Gift-giving holidays are here!  I believe that gifts should improve lives and not add stress, chaos, or clutter.  Ideas for gifts. Your time is my favorite gift but makes it more special by allowing the recipient to an activity they enjoy doing. Maybe some they don’t get to do often.  An experience is my second favorite gift. […]

Neurodivergents, COVID and the Holidays

The title of this blog sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. What could go wrong in 2020 during the Holidays?  Neurodivergents need to continue self-care over the holidays every year, but this year is even more vital. We must all find a balance between keeping ourselves safe from COVID-19 and social interaction for […]

Create an Environment for You

For my clients, their environment has always been a critical factor in how they feel. Now that we are months into this new reality, our settings are even more important. My daughter, Paige, works full-time, goes to college part-time, and has loads of neurodiverse challenges, including being hyper and hypo sensitive to lights, sounds, textures, […]

Challenges and Tools

The challenges that arise from executive function issues are the messy bits of everyday life. Here is a list that may sound familiar and crosses the borders between work life and family life and personal care:  Being easily frustrated  Poor emotional control Difficulty with flexible thinking Following through with plans Trouble fully listening to others […]

College, ADHD and Anxiety

We often hear that people with ADHD are bored; however; we also hear that people with are overwhelmed. So which one is it? Well, it is both. When an ADHD brain is under aroused, then they are bored or unable to initiate a task. Overwhelm sets in when the ADHD brain is over-aroused. People are […]