Should Your Child Repeat This School Year?

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Should Your Child Repeat This School Year?

If there was ever a time to repeat the school year, now is the time. My daughters were young for their grade with summer birthdays. I always thought if we ever move, I would have them repeat whatever grade they were in at the time. It never happened. I would never have done that to them while they were at the same school with their friends because students who are held back can feel stigmatized and less motivated to learn. 

If my children were school-age now, I would absolutely have them repeat this current year. 

While most teachers have been doing a great job in this challenging situation, let’s be honest, students have gotten the short end of the stick. Some students have been left behind. These students weren’t at grade level initially, so now they are even further behind their peers. These students often know they are behind. I was one of them. I loathed school. I was repeatedly told by teachers and other students that I was as bright as I should be. That is not true, but I heard that clear message from about first grade until I graduated. Each year I felt like I barely learned enough to move on. It felt like I was drowning, and that was with the benefit of good parents, teachers who weren’t as stressed, and no pandemic. I can’t imagine what today’s students, who feel like I thought about myself and school, must be experiencing as society asks them to move on to the next grade for the 2021-2022 school year. It is too much to ask of them. But that is precisely what we are asking of them.

Let’s take a practical example -math is subject many of my younger clients (middle schoolers) struggle with learning. If a student is in 7th grade and is still working on learning the multiplication tables, then in 8th grade, learning in math and science will be a challenge because 8th grade is the year science starts to become math-heavy.  

We are creating significant gaps between students who have support and resources and students who have challenges. These being some that quickly come to mind:

  • Students who have a lower socioeconomic status
  • Students who are immature for their age
  • Students with learning disabilities 
  • Neurodiverse students
  • Students who have not had the benefit of an adult helping them at home
  • Students with mental health concerns

School districts should allow each family for themselves if repeat this school is suitable for their family. I feel that parents and students need to discuss why this is an option this year. Most students aren’t going to ask to repeat a grade. Parents need to take the lead to support their child’s education and their future.