The Struggle is Real – Lack of Motivation

As a neurodiverse coach, I often have clients who want to talk about their lack of motivation for a task or many tasks that their job requires. Or even for activities outside of work that my clients want to do. To hear their voices talk about the struggle and lack of understanding about why they […]

Harmony For Now and Beyond

Words have power. Our society used to use the term work-life balance, but the term work-life harmony is taking hold now. Work-life balance gives the idea of a scale with parts of life having different weights. I also think of this idea of juggling when I think of work-life balance. Maybe you are great at […]

Practice and Plan for College

College is a unique experience, but given the high cost, it is one you want to practice and plan for specific ADHD challenges in advance. I get it after years of going to school; most seniors are mentally checked out, especially if they have already been accepted to a college. But from now, until going […]

Over-Stimulated Holiday

My daughter is easily over-stimulated. Sounds and smells are triggers for her as well as large crowds, so you can imagine that Christmas Eve Mass was not her favorite place. The church is overflowing with people. The large crowd brings crying children, people who are talking during Mass (rule breakers also not one of her […]

College, ADHD and Anxiety

We often hear that people with ADHD are bored; however; we also hear that people with are overwhelmed. So which one is it? Well, it is both. When an ADHD brain is under aroused, then they are bored or unable to initiate a task. Overwhelm sets in when the ADHD brain is over-aroused. People are […]

Using Time, Self-care, Classes and Studying Tips for College

It is challenging to write this blog since I am sitting in the vacation house my family has been coming to for my children’s whole lives, but it is true. School is around the corner. Where we live school starts back mid-August if you are in public school and about a week later for most […]

College and ADHD coaching

Going off to college is full of new found independence and excitement for most student.  For students with ADHD, the situation is different, when you add the academic demands of college and subtract the structure from parents and high school, college can feel overwhelming. Most people with ADHD have a poor relationship with time. This […]

What Is Going On? Is There a Comorbid Condition?

Do you ever feel that ADHD only doesn’t explain everything that is going on?  It may be just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some facts. The occurrences of ADHD 3-5% of the population. 20-30% of people with ADHD also have depression. More than 25% of people with ADHD have anxiety disorders. Here is […]

Self-care and Disorganization

It is almost a case of what came first; did the poor self-care habits cause the disorganization or did being disorganized cause the poor self-care habits? Well, probably a little of both. Self-care is being talked about everywhere these days. It is more than what most people think?  See my blog from earlier about types […]

Anxiety and Organization

Anxiety has been on the rise in children and teens since the 1950’s. Anxiety disorders include panic disorder, social anxiety, specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, anxiety secondary to a medical condition and substance-induced anxiety disorder. According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America: 40 million Americans have an anxiety disorder 75% of […]