The Benefits of Failure in Middle School

Failure. No one likes it but it teaches us so much. As adults, we know that failing in middle school so doesn’t matter in the long run. It may hurt, be embarrassing or seem like the world is ending at 12 but no one is going to ask you about middle school at a college […]

Helping Your Teen Achieve Autonomy

Every teen or young adult wants autonomy. Recently, I started coaching a 23-year-old woman whose mother is a bit of a helicopter because of the young woman’s lack of executive function (EF) skills. Her overall coaching goal is to be independent. Part of the issue is past mistakes and family dynamics, they have a therapist for that […]

8 Tips for Having a Good Day for Students with Aspergers

Organizational skills just don’t seem to exist for many with Aspergers (or High Functioning Autism). This can be troublesome for students.  Regardless of how bright they might be, writing down assignments, bring all their supplies to class or bringing homework back to school seems to slip through the cracks. Here are 8 tips for  having […]

Gettin’ Started on Homework

My son’s first day of school is today so homework time will be here soon for everywhere. Parents aren’t fans of homework time either; a frustrated student can bring down a household faster than anything else. Part of what I do in my work with students from middle school to grad school is set up […]

How Self-Care Effects Organization

Since I have started organizing I have been surprised at how many clients need to learn to plan or prioritize their self-care.  I have had to educate myself and my clients on the role positive self-care (or lack thereof) have on organizing, planning, prioritizing or time management. I educate them on the importance of sleep […]

Enjoy Your Boredom!

These days it seems that kids are signed up for so many activities both during the school year and for summer vacation. Kids don’t seem to have time to be kids. They are constantly being told what activity they are going to be doing. When I was ten years old, I got my first watch […]

Executive Functions Skills for Smart Kids Having a Hard Time

I often hear “my kid is really smart; if he can get through school, he’ll be fine.” No, he won’t. Sorry but it’s true. We hear about executive function (EF)skills in relationship to being an important part of academic success but they are so much more. EF skills are basic skills for life regardless of […]

Depression’s Effect On Organization

Executive Function Skills are an essential part of being a functional adult but many situations, moods, experiences, conditions and well life… can affect them. It is not about having these skills or not but do I have access to them right now in this moment? Here I want to talk about how depression can affect […]

Negative Self-talks Influence on Getting Stuff Done

We all talk to ourselves; it is perfectly normal. It is called self-talk. It can be positive or negative and it is a cycle. Every time we have a conversation with ourselves, we are reinforcing who we are and what we are capable of doing. We are building up or destroying our self-esteem and self-worth. […]

Tips for Focused Attention

Paying attention is more difficult today than at any other time in history. Why is it so important to learn to focus our attention? Research shows that if students don’t learn how to concentrate, they will have difficulties in most areas of life. According to Daniel Goleman’s book Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, this […]