Tips for Focused Attention

Paying attention is more difficult today than at any other time in history. Why is it so important to learn to focus our attention? Research shows that if students don’t learn how to concentrate, they will have difficulties in most areas of life. According to Daniel Goleman’s book Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, this […]

How to Stop the Nagging and Complaining!

Teens can be a handful. It really isn’t their fault. Healthy teens are supposed to push for autonomy and freedom but good healthy parenting is supposed to impose restraints in the interest of safety and responsibility. But the nagging and complaining just might drive everyone nuts! How to stop it? I have helped several families […]

Anxiety and Organization

Anxiety has been on the rise in children and teens since the 1950’s. Anxiety disorders include panic disorder, social anxiety, specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, anxiety secondary to a medical condition and substance-induced anxiety disorder. According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America: 40 million Americans have an anxiety disorder 75% of […]

Failure – How to support your student

Failure is part of life. If your child has never failed before, it can be a hard blown to their self-esteem. If your child has failed repeatedly, it can be a hard blown to their self-esteem. What failure is can mean different things for different students. At one point in time, anything that wasn’t an […]

Mindfulness for Students

When clients find me, they are generally overwhelmed by life; both managing their stuff and their time. Since I use coaching in my organizing, the subject of self-care almost always come up. We often don’t do a good job taking care of ourselves. We eat poorly while we are on the go, we don’t get […]

What to do for struggling students at home!

It is hard it watch your child struggle. I know, I have had two children who struggled at school and I was a struggling student as well. Parents want to help. There are many ways to support students by building up executive function skills. Here is a list of what you can do at home. […]

Autumn Chores

Autumn is upon us. The aspens have peaked to their bright yellow. It is a clear sign that it is time to do specific chores that you should be doing every autumn, however, there is no reason to do it all alone. Get the whole family in on it. Children of all ages can help. […]

Where to Study?

We aren’t all the same. Students are expected to sit at a desk most for the day from sixth grade on but that isn’t necessarily the best place for them to learn. Some teachers try to mix things up but all in all most students are sitting all day. Different learning modalities need different settings […]

Students: Tips and Advice

Students have full lives just like adults but don’t always have the executive function (EF) skills to do what they are being asked to do. Whether the student is in middle school, high school or college, they can be overwhelmed with everything they feel like they need to do albeit to different extents.   Many […]

Chores for ages 10-13 and 14-17

Chores are an important part of growing up. It allows children to develop critical executive function skills. From about 12 years old until the late teens, the brain is busy growing more gray matter. The second and last time it will ever do this. Almost all of this growth is in the frontal cortex where […]