ADHD, Co-morbid conditions and organization

Think it is just ADHD? Or that ADHD isn’t a big deal because lots of people have it? It may be just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some facts. The occurrences of ADHD 3-5% of the population. 20-30% of people with ADHD also have depression. More than 25% of people with ADHD have […]

The Intersection of Learning Disabilities and Executive Functions Skills

Dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, dysphasia, aphasia, autism, verbal processing disorder, visual processing disorder, auditory processing disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, ADHD, Co-morbid conditions There are so many learning disabilities; it is easy to get lost. are Kids with learning disabilities have brains that are wired differently than most. They are neurologically based processing problems. It has nothing […]

ADHD and the Importance of Habits

Habits are important for all of us to develop. Forming a habit whether it be a good one or a bad one takes time. In fact, new studies suggest that is takes 66 days to form a habit and not a mere 21 days as most people think. So if you were feeling like you […]

Getting Your Kids To Do Their Chores

In many of my blogs, I have talked about chores and kids. I have listed many reasons why doing chores is important for helping to stimulate their executive function skills but I have never really discussed how to get your kids to actually do the chores. It can be a whole other battle at times. […]

Why can’t you get organized?

Feel like you are surrounded by clutter and chaos? You’ve tried to get organized- you have read book after book, bought organizational products and spend countless hour organizing. So why isn’t it working for you? For many people getting organized is daunting, stressful, anxiety-causing, and a point a failure, or boring, mundane, and tedious. If […]

Hyperfocus and ADHD

I am not a doctor of any kind; I am a professional organizer and a mother. What I am sharing is information I learned, read or seen with my own eyes. Have you seen a kid so focused on a video game that he doesn’t hear his name being called? Later you are told he […]