Chore list for children ages 6-9

“The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” Denis Waitley

This quote is my husband and mine parenting philosophy in a nutshell. My children have almost always had chores. And always more than their friends.

Why give children chores:

  • Everyone needs to feel useful and needed.
  • Teaches responsibility
  • Builds self-esteem
  • Helps them to become independent
  • Helps develop executive function skills
  • Teaches them to respect their belongs when they are ones taking care of them
  • Allows parents to delegate; we can’t do everything.

It’s easy to get young children started with chores because they are eager to please their parents and they enjoying helping. My children started at age 2 doing little chores like clearing their plates (non-breakable), sorting laundry, putting toys or whatever they could reach away and planting in the garden. They loved it and it was a wonderful way to spend time with them. Once children get little older, they start to resist more. See my blog Getting Your Kids to Do Their Chores to help.

When starting out, be sure to give immediate praise for a job well done and say Thank you. If needed get them help when they having trouble. Some chores will require some teaching but the time spent is well worth it for the future gain.

For a chore list for children 6-9 years old click here.

If your children are older, have no fear more chore lists for older kids will be coming in future blogs.