Family Organization: We Are In This Together

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Family Organization: We Are In This Together

Family Organization: We Are In This TogetherDoes everyone in your family seem to need help with organization? In families where a parent or even both have ADHD as well as the kids, mornings and evenings can seem chaotic. In families where the parents’ natural organizational process are different from each other or from their kids’ process, life can seem chaotic. I work with both types of families and other types too.

When I’m working with a whole family is important that everyone is included. I spend time talking to each member individually so I learn what each member needs and each members goals. They aren’t always the same but there is often a commonality. Everyone wants something that feels calmer.  Often when I’m hired to work with the whole family, it is to create systems and routines such as morning routines or evening routines. I need to find systems that everyone in the house can and will stick to this means developing new habits as well. Occasionally it is to help create family contracts or family mission statements. Either of these can ensure that everyone is on the same page. Both are created with the whole family participating.

The whole process is flexible and customized to each family’s needs. If you are interested in family organization click here.